

 题目Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Conversion and Storage (纳米材料在清洁能源中的应用)

报告人Shuhui Sun (孙书会) 博士
National Institute of Scientific Research-Energy, Materials and Telecommunications
孙书会博士现为加拿大(魁北克)国家科学研究院-能源、材料研究所终身教授。孙博士长期致力于功能纳米材料(石墨烯,碳管,金属和金属氧化物以及纳米复合材料等)的开发及其在能源及环境中的应用,包括燃料电池、锂离子电池、钠离子电池、锂-空气电池、及水处理等。到目前为止在Advanced Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Nano Energy, Chemistry of Materials, Scientific Reports 等顶级国际期刊上发表论文70余篇,被引用3500多次, H-index 为30。撰写书籍章节4部,拥有2个美国授权专利。自2010年以来先后获得国际电化学学会青年电化学家奖,加拿大总督学术金奖,安徽省自然科学一等奖,加拿大创新基金-领军人物奖,魁北克杰出青年基金奖。担任Nano Advances 主编, Electrochimica Acta, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 和Applied Energy的客座编辑及Frontiers in Energy Storage 等国际期刊编委。现为国际电化学学会会员,美国电化学学会会员,加拿大化学学会会员,美国科学研究协会会员,魁北克材料协会会员,魁北克等离子学会会员,联合国教科文组织材料能源教席计划会员。担任国际电化学能源科学院(IAOEES)副主席兼理事,期刊出版部主任。
PEM fuel cells are expected to play dominant role in future clean energy solutions for various applications since they can generate electricity without pollution. Developing highly efficient low-Pt and Pt-free catalysts are the key solutions for the wide-spread commercialization of PEM fuel cells. Through green chemistry and atomic layer deposition (ALD) techniques, we fabricated various novel Pt nanostructures, including nanowires, nanotubes, and single atoms. Compared to the conventional Pt nanoparticle/C commercial catalyst, these novel Pt nanostructures exhibited much enhanced activity (up to 10 times) and stability (up to 6 times) for fuel cells. On the other hand, we developed much cheaper Fe-based non-noble metal (e.g., Fe/N/C) catalysts which exhibited higher activity in alkaline media and equivalent activity in acidic electrolyte compared to Pt. In addition, I will talk about our recent work about nanomaterials for Li-ion/Na-ion batteries, as well as wastewater treatment.   